Tag Archives: norbit

The 10 worst moments in old-age make-up history

The 10 worst moments in old-age make-up history. By Simon Miraudo. Last week we saw our first glimpse of Leonardo DiCaprio in J. Edgar, Clint Eastwood‘s upcoming biopic of legendary FBI agent Hoover. Although we have faith in the always-solid Leo (and figure this is his best chance at scoring a Best Actor Oscar yet), he’ll […]

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The 5 Worst Films of All Time

Last month, DVDman reviewed Lindsay Lohan‘s latest vehicle I Know Who Killed Me, a straight-to-dvd psychological thriller about a stripper. He did not like it, as evidenced by the subtly titled post: Possibly the Worst Film…Ever!!!! Your responses to the post were huge, with many adding their own favourite worst movies to the list. The […]

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Meet Dave – Review

Meet Dave – Starring Eddie Murphy, Gabrielle Union, Elizabeth Banks and Ed Helms. Directed by Brian Robbins. Rated PG for infrequent violence and crude humour. 90 mins. In 2006, Eddie Murphy made Norbit, a film that was racist, sexist, and worst of all, unfunny. It was considered to be the worst thing he’d ever done […]

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